

Free places in the English-language workshop on Academic Poster Design available

Free places in the English-language workshop on Academic Poster Design available.?

On 1??December 2023

Academic Poster Design
(Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers). Online


Academic posters are a useful communication method to present your PhD project, engage people in fruitful discussions and gain new input for your research. To suit that purpose, a poster needs to be carefully designed, both from the contents' side and the visual appearance.
Starting with the content, we will extract the key messages from your projects. All the way from the research question at hand, to the results and finally to the discussion and open questions. Keeping the target audience in mind, we will determine what should be on the poster and how we can communicate it efficiently.

With the aim in mind to reduce text to an absolute minimum, we will focus next on the visuals that should go on the poster. These can include photographs, maps, schematic drawings, diagrams or other data visualizations.


Having determined the contents, we will address the graphic design both of the individual visuals as well as of the poster as a whole. You will learn how to use a grid and white space, choose colors, fonts and font sizes etc. to produce an aesthetically pleasing and effective poster.
