

Jobtalk:Paths after the rer.nat. PhD in the industry

Jobtalk: Paths after the rer.nat. PhD in the industry

The “Jobtalk” is a forum for the exchange with alumni from practice

On Wensday, 27. Nov 24 at 17:30 Uhr, T 1003 we will offer a special Jobtalk:
Paths after the rer.nat. PhD in the industry

The experience reports of our graduates show
- how they started their careers and what stages they had in their careers
- what significance did the doctorate have
- what does their professional profile and working environment look like

Speaking Alumni are
? Dr. Sebastian Rupprecht (Mathematics)
Senior Consultant Modeling & Analytics at Munich Re
? Dr. Wolfgang Kr?tschmer (Physics)
Manager Production Management at Infineon Technologies
? Dr. Markus Ulze (Wing/MRM)
Partner at AGEROS Invest GmbH

Get-together the Second Part will be the opportunity to ask questions
and discuss individual aspects with the alumni, get connected and
have a good time.

Target Group: Ph.D. students, Postdocs of MNTF and
all interested in doctoral studies (mathematics, physics,
materials science and industrial engineering)

Organized by Career Service and MNTF Graduate Center
Registration would help organizing > Digicampus
