Georg Frenck Characteristic numbers of manifold bundles over spheres and positive curvature via block bundles preprint (arXiv, in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Reinhard Oldenburg How to teach algebra: a suggestion for a curriculum preprint (EdArXiv, in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Frank R?ttger, Jane Ivy Coons and Alexandros Grosdos Parametric and nonparametric symmetries in graphical models for extremes preprint (in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Lukas Anzeletti, Khoa Lê and Chengcheng Ling Path-by-path uniqueness for stochastic differential equations under Krylov-R?ckner condition preprint (in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Annika Bach and Matthias Ruf Stochastic homogenization of functionals defined on finite partitions preprint (arXiv, in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Máté Gerencsér, Gerald Lampl and Chengcheng Ling The Milstein scheme for singular SDEs with H?lder continuous drift preprint (in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI