




F. Colonius, W. Kliemann, Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 158, Amer. Math. Soc. 2014.
Author webpage



Mathematical Reviews [pdf file],
Zentralblatt für Mathematik [pdf file]

F. Colonius, W. Kliemann, The Dynamics of Control, Birkh?user Boston, 2000. [info]
Mathematical Reviews [pdf file],
Zentralblatt für Mathematik [pdf file],
UK Nonlinear News Issue 31,
Jahresbericht der DMV [pdf file],
Dynamical Systems Magazine July 2004 [htm file].

F. Colonius, Optimal Periodic Control, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1313, Springer-Verlag, 1988.


F. Colonius, L. Grüne (Eds.), Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 273, Springer-Verlag, 2002.

F. Colonius, U. Helmke, D. Pr?tzel-Wolters, F. Wirth (Eds.), Advances in Mathematical Systems. A Volume in Honor of D. Hinrichsen, Birkh?user Boston, 2001, 293 pp.

F. Colonius, B. Aulbach (Eds.), Six Lectures on Dynamical Systems, World Scientific, 1996.



Journals (Guest Editor)



ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Sonderheft "Control theory for digitally networked dynamical systems", 94 (2014)4, 273-364, (with L. Grüne).

Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems Vol. 25(4) (2013), Special issue on Control, Communication and Complexity (with C.D. Charalambous and P. Collins)

GAMM Mitteilungen Band 31 (2008), Heft 1, Themenheft Dynamics and Control (with K. Schlacher).

Special issues dedicated to the memory of Bernd Aulbach, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 12, Numbers 3/4 (2006) and Vol. 13, Numbers 8/9 (2007) (with S. Hilger, P. Kloeden and S. Siegmund).

Foundations of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, Special Issue of Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol. 4, Number 3, September 2004 (with P. Kloeden and S. Siegmund).





Control semiflows, chain controllability, and the Selgrade decomposition for linear delay systems, submitted.


Strong chain control sets and affine control systems (with Alexandre Santana), submitted.


2024 top


Chain controllability of linear control systems (with Alexandre Santana and Eduardo Viscovini), SIAM J. Control Optim. 62(4), pp. 2387-2411. https://doi.org/10.1137/23M162634


Chain recurrence and Selgrade's theorem for affine flows (with Alexandre Santana), J. Dyn. Diff. Equations. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10884-024-10351-0.


2023 top


Controllability of periodic linear systems, the Poincare sphere, and quasi-affine systems (with Alexandre Santana and Juliana Setti), Mathematics of Control, Systems, and Signals, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-023-00369-y.


Control sets for affine systems, spectral properties, and projective spaces (with Alexandre Santana and Juliana Setti), SIAM J. Control Optim. Vol.61(2) (2023), pp. 647-673.


On the global behavior of linear flows, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151 (2023), pp. 135-149. https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/16189.


2022 top


Control sets for bilinear and affine systems (with Alexandre Santana and Juliana Setti), Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 34 (2022), 1-35. SharedIt link


2021 top

Controllability near a homoclinic bifurcation (with Amani Hasan and G. R. Rokni Lamouki), Systems & Control Letters 156 (2021) 105026.

Outer invariance entropy for discrete-time linear systems on Lie groups (with J. A.N. Cossich and A.J. Santana), ESAIM: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 27 (2021) 55. doi.org/ 10.1051/cocv/2021054.

Entropy for practical stabilization (with B. Hamzi). SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52(3) (2021), pp. 2195-2222.

Controllability properties and invariance pressure for linear discrete-time systems (with J. A.N. Cossich and A.J. Santana), Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. doi.org/10.1007/s10884-021-09966-4.

Quasi-ergodic limits for finite absorbing Markov chains (with M. Rasmussen). Linear Algebra and Applications 609 (2021), 253-288.


2020 top

Bounds for invariance pressure (with J.A.N. Cossich and A.J. Santana), J. Diff. Equations 268 (2020), 7877-7896.


2019 top

Invariance pressure for linear discrete-time systems (with Alexandre Santana and Joao Cossich), Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop ITW 2019 (Visby, Gotland, Sweden, 25-28 August 2019).

Kernel methods for the approximation of discrete?time linear autonomous and control systems (with Boumediene Hamzi), Springer Nature Applied Sciences (2019) 1:674 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0701-3.

Kernel Methods for Discrete-Time Linear Equations (with Boumediene Hamzi), in: Rodrigues J. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11539. Springer, Cham.

Invariance pressure for control systems (with Alexandre Santana and Joao Cossich). J. Dyn. Diff. Equations 31(1) (2019), 1–23.


2018 top

Decay rates for stabilization of linear continuous-time systems with random switching (with Guilherme Mazanti). Math. Control Relat. Fields 9 (2018), 39-58.

Invariance pressure of control sets (with J. A.N. Cossich and A.J. Santana), SIAM J. Control Optim. 56, No. 6 (2018), pp. 4130-4147.

Mini-Workshop: Entropy, Information and Control (Oberwolfach 4 - 10 March 2018), Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report No. 10/2018, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2018/10. With Tomasz Downarowicz, Christoph Kawan, Girish Nair.

Invariance entropy, quasi-stationary measures and control sets. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-A) 38(4) (2018), 2093-2123.

Metric invariance entropy and conditionally invariant measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38(3) (2018), 921-939. First published online: 20 October 2016.


2017 top

Supports of invariant measures for piecewise deterministic Markov processes (with Michel Benaim and Ralph Lettau), Nonlinearity 30 (2017), 3400-3418.


2016 top

Metric Invariance Entropy and Relatively Invariant Control Sets, Proceedings of the 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 12-14 2016.

A Splitting Theorem for Affine Skew-Product Flows (with Alexandre Santana), Mathematische Nachrichten 289(16), pp. 1995-2006. doi: 10.1002/mana.201500160.

Relative controllability properties (with Ralph Lettau). IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 33 (2016), 701-722.


2015 top

Entropy properties of deterministic control systems, Proceedings of the 54th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15-18 2015.


2014 top

Topological fiber entropy for linear flows on vector bundles (with Luiz A.B. San Martin and Adriano J. da Silva), Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 20 (2014), 475-490.

Growth rates for persistently excited linear systems (with Yacine Chitour and Mario Sigalotti), Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 26 (2014), 589–616.

Entropy of controlled invariant subspaces, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 94 (2014), 331-344 (with Uwe Helmke).

Analysis of networked systems, in: Control Theory of Digitally Networked Dynamic Systems, J. Lunze, ed., Springer-Verlag 2014, pp. 31-79 (with U. Helmke, J. Jordan, C. Kawan, R. Sailer and F. Wirth).

Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra, Handbook of Linear Algebra, Second edition, L. Hogben (Ed.), CRC Press, 79-1 - 79-23 (with Wolfgang Kliemann).


2013 top

Invariance entropy for topological semigroup actions (with Alexandre J. Santana and Ryuichi Fukuoka). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), 4411-4423.

Conditionally stationary measures for random diffeomorphisms. IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Problems in Stochastic Mechanics 2012, C Proppe and J.-M. Bourinet, eds., Procedia IUTAM 6 (2013), 151-159.

A note on topological feedback entropy and invariance entropy. Systems and Control Letters 62 (2013), pp. 377-381 (with Christoph Kawan and Girish Nair).

Subspace entropy and controlled invariant subspaces, in: Mathematical System Theory - Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, K. Hüper and J. Trumpf, eds., CreateSpace, 2013, pp. 75-90. url = {http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~trumpf/UH60Festschrift.pdf}.


2012 top

Minimal bit rates and entropy for stabilization [pdf file, 231 KB]. SIAM J. Control Optimization 50 (2012), 2988-3010.

An approach to minimal bit rates and entropy for deterministic control systems, [pdf file, 146 KB] Electronic Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Systems and Networks (MTNS 2012, July 9-13 2012, Melbourne, Australia), paper 0306.

Entropy for external stability of linear control systems, [pdf file, 140 KB] Electronic Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Systems and Networks (MTNS 2012, July 9-13 2012, Melbourne, Australia), paper 0018.


2011 top

Near invariance and local transience for stochastic systems, Electronic Proceedings of ENOC 2011, 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Rome, 25-29 July 2011) (with Wolfgang Kliemann)

Invariance entropy for outputs. [pdf file, 259 KB] Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems: Vol. 22(3), (2011), pp. 203 (with Christoph Kawan).

Topological conjugacy for affine-linear flows and control systems. [pdf file, 325 KB] Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Volume 10, Number 3, May 2011 (with Alexandre J. Santana).


2010 top

Minimal data rates and invariance entropy [pdf file, 132 KB], Electronic Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Budapest July 5-9 2010.

Connecting orbits for perturbed systems, Nonlinear Dynamics 59 (2010), 569-578 (with T. Huels and M. Rasmussen).

Near invariance and local transience for random diffeomorphisms , [pdf file, 172 KB]. J. Difference Equations and Applications 16(2010), 127-141 (with Jan Ale Homburg and Wolfgang Kliemann).


2009 top

Controllability for systems with almost periodic excitations, Proceedings Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (Shanghai, P.R. China, December 2009) (with Tobias Wichtrey).

Invariance entropy for control systems. [pdf file, 270 KB] SIAM J. Control Optimization 48(2009), 1701-1721 (with Christoph Kawan).

Spectral theory for perturbed systems, [pdf file, 220 KB] GAMM Mitteilungen 32, no.1, (2009), 26-46 (with W. Kliemann).

Control systems with almost periodic excitations, [pdf file, 371 KB] (with Tobias Wichtrey). SIAM J. Control Optimization 48(2009), 1055-1079.


2008 top

Topological conjugacy for affine differential equations. Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. Essays 26.1-2 (2008), 141-151 (with A.J. Santana).

Morse spectrum for nonautonomous differential equations, [pdf file, 207 KB], Stochastics and Dynamics 8 (2008), 351-361 (with Peter Kloeden and Martin Rasmussen).

Controllability for nonlinear behaviors, [pdf file, 180 KB], Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 360 (2008), 5667-5682. (with Wolfgang Kliemann).

Weak invariance and entropy, [pdf file, 130 KB], in: Proceedings of the Conference Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (Blacksburg, Virginia July 28-August 1 2008) (with Christoph Kawan).

A Numerical Study of Capsizing: Comparing Control Set Analysis and Melnikov's Method, [pdf file, 298 KB] (with E. Kreuzer, A. Marquardt and W. Sichermann). International J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 18, No.5 (2008), 1503-1514.

Near invariance for Markov diffusion systems, [pdf file, 1453 KB], SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems 7(2008), 79-107 (with Tobias Gayer and Wolfgang Kliemann).


2007 top

Bifurcation phenomena in control flows, [pdf file, 215 KB], Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 30(2007), 87-111 (with Roberta Fabbri, Russell Johnson and Marco Spadini).

Chain recurrence, growth rates and ergodic limits, [pdf file (revised), 191 KB], Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 27(2007), 1-16 (with Roberta Fabbri and Russell Johnson).

On topological equivalence of linear flows with applications to bilinear control systems, [pdf file, 254 KB], J. of Dynamical and Control Systems 13(2007), 337-362 (with Victor Ayala and Wolfgang Kliemann).

Nonlinear Iwazawa decomposition for control flows, [pdf file, 203 KB], Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 18(2007), 339-354 (with Paulo R. C. Ruffino).

Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra, [pdf file, 277 KB], Handbook of Linear Algebra, L. Hogben (Ed.), CRC Press, 56-1 - 56-22 (with Wolfgang Kliemann).

A rigorous numerical algorithm for controllability, [pdf file, 661 KB], Chapter 10 in: Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control. CTS-HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control. F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, S. Laghrouche, A. Loria and E. Panteley (Eds.), International Scientific & Technical Encyclopedia (ISTE), London 2007, 157-170 (with Tomasz Kapela).


2006 top

Towards a topological classification of bilinear control systems, [pdf file, 107 KB], Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Systems and Networks (MTNS 2006), July 24-28, Kyoto, Japan (with Victor Ayala and Wolfgang Kliemann).

Morse decompositions, attractors, and chain recurrence, [pdf file, 84 KB], Revista Proyecciones. Journal of Mathematics 25(2006), 79-110 (with J. Ayala-Hoffmann, P. Corbin, K. McConville, W. Kliemann, and J. Peters).

Fundamental semigroups for dynamical systems, [pdf file, 242 KB], Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A, 14(2006), 447-463 (with M. Spadini).

Fundamental semigroups for local control sets, [pdf file, 335 KB], Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 185(2006), S69-S91 (with L. A. B. San Martin and M. Spadini).

On nonautonomous H^infinity control with infinite horizon, [pdf file, 252 KB], Journal of Differential Equations 220(2006), 46-67 (with Roberta Fabbri and Russell Johnson).


2005 top

Covering space for monotonic homotopy for trajectories of control systems, [pdf file), 395 KB], Journal of Differential Equations 216(2005), 324-353 (with E. Kizil and L. A. B. San Martin).

Dynamic characterization of the Lyapunov form of matrices, [pdf file, 218 KB], Linear Algebra and Its Applications 420(2005), 272-290 (with V. Ayala and W. Kliemann).

Numerical computation of invariant densities of linear control systems driven by multiplicative white noise, [pdf file, 1238 KB], International J. of Control 78(2005), 734-746 (with T. Gayer and I. Matsikis).


2004 top

Behaviors and controllability, [pdf file, 422 KB], Electronic Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), July 5-9 2004 Leuven (Belgium) (with W. Kliemann).


2003 top

Bifurcations of control systems: A view from control flows, [pdf file, 215 KB], "New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, and their Applications", W. Kang, M. Xiao, C. Borges (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 295, Springer-Verlag 2003 (with W. Kliemann). [info]

Normal forms for control systems at singular points, [pdf file, 216 KB], Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 15(2003), 49-59 (with S. Siegmund).

Limits of Input-to-State Stability, [pdf file, 241 KB], Systems and Control Letters 49(2003), 111-120 (with W. Kliemann).

Uniqueness of local control sets, [pdf file, 202 KB], J. Dynamical and Control Systems 9(2003), 513-530 (with M. Spadini).

A dynamic index for control sets, [pdf file, 239 KB], "Nonlinear Analysis and Applications: To V. Lakshmikantham on his 80th Birthday", Vol.1, R. P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan (Eds.), Kluwer 2003, pp. 451-470 (with M. Spadini).

Controllability for systems with slowly varying parameters, [pdf file, 256 KB], ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 9(2003), 207-216 (with R. Fabbri).


2002 top

Morse decompositions and spectra on flag bundles, [pdf file, 277 KB], Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 14 (2002), 719-741 (with W. Kliemann).

Attractors, Input-to-State-Stability and Control Sets; Electronic Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), University of Notre Dame, Southbend, Indiana, August 12-16 2002, D. S. Gilliam, J. Rosenthal (Eds.) (with W. Kliemann).

On the classification of control sets, in: Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control, F. Colonius, L. Grüne(Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 273, Springer-Verlag 2002, pp. 217-231 (with M. Spadini).


2001 top

Hyperbolic control sets and chain control sets, J. Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 7 (2001), 49-59 (with W. Du).

Collision of control sets, Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, B. Fiedler (Ed.), Springer-Verlag 2001, 131-144 (with W. Kliemann).

On dynamic bifurcations in control systems, Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control systems (NOLCOS 2001), 4-6 July 2001, St. Petersburg, Russia, 140-143 (with W. Kliemann).

Algorithms for computing reachable sets and control sets, Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2001), 4-6 July 2001, St. Petersburg, Russia, 756-761 (with D. Szolnoki).


2000 top

Mergers of control sets, Proceedings Fourteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (Perpignan, France, June 19-23 2000), A. El Jai and M. Fliess (Eds.) (with W. Kliemann).

Invariance under bounded time-varying perturbations, Proc. 11th IFAC International Workshop Control Applications of Optimization (St. Petersburg, Russia, July 3-6 2000), V. Zakharov, ed., pp.82-85 (with W. Kliemann).

An invariance radius for nonlinear systems, Advances in Mathematical Systems. A Volume in Honor of D. Hinrichsen. F. Colonius, U. Helmke, D. Pr?tzel-Wolters, F. Wirth (Eds.), Birkh?user 2000, pp. 77-91 (with W. Kliemann).

Computation of almost invariant sets for perturbed systems, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (December 12-15, 2000, Sidney Australia) (with W. Kliemann).


1999 top

Continuous, smooth, and control techniques for stochastic dynamics, in: Stochastic Dynamics, H. Crauel and M. Gundlach (Eds.), Springer-Verlag 1999, 181-208 (with W. Kliemann).

Local uniqueness of control sets for nonlinear systems, Stability and Stabilization, D. Aeyels, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. van der Schaft (Eds.), Springer-Verlag 1999, 115-136 (with M. Spadini).

Lyapunov exponents and robust stabilization in: Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, V. D. Blondel, E. D. Sontag, M. Vidyagasar and J.C. Willems (Eds.), Springer-Verlag 1999, pp. 83-88 (with D. Hinrichsen and F. Wirth)


1998 top

Asymptotic problems - from control systems to semigroups, in: Positivity in Lie Theory, J. Hilgert, J.D. Lawson, K.H. Neeb, E.B. Vinberg (Eds.), De Gruyter 1998, 21-43 (with W. Kliemann and L. San Martin).


1997 top

Local and global null controllability of time varying linear control systems, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 2 (1997), 329-341 (with R. Johnson).

On the global controllability structure of nonlinear systems, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Brussels (July 1-4 1997), paper no. 529 (with W. Kliemann).

Nonlinear systems with multiplicative and additive perturbation under state space constraints, Active/Passive Vibration Control and Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, W. W. Clark, X. C. Xie, D. Allaei, Y. F. Hwang, N. S. Namachchivaya, O. M. O'Reilly (Eds.), Amer. Soc. Mech. Engineering ASME DE-Vol. 95 (1997), 131-142 (with W. Kliemann).

Exponential growth behavior of bilinear control system, Proc. of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, Cal. 1997, 4425-4430 (with W. Kliemann).

Robustness of time-varying system, in: Proc. of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sacramento, Cal. Sept. 14-17 1997, DETC97 Paper no. 4015 (with W. Kliemann).


before 1997 (in journals) top

Stochastic models with multistability and extinction levels, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 56 (1996), 919-945 (with F. J. de la Rubia and W. Kliemann).

The Morse spectrum of linear flows on vector bundles, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 4355-4388 (with W. Kliemann).

The Lyapunov spectrum of families of time-varying matrices, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 4389-4408 (with W. Kliemann).

Random perturbations of bifurcation diagrams, Nonlinear Dynamics 5 (1994), 353-373 (with W. Kliemann).

Controllability and stabilization of one dimensional systems near bifurcation points, Systems and Control Letters 24 (1995), 87-95 (with W. Kliemann).

Limit behavior and genericity for nonlinear control systems, J. Diff. Equations 109 (1994), 8-41 (with W. Kliemann).

Sensitivity analysis for optimization problems in Hilbert spaces with bilateral constraints, J. Math.Systems, Estimation, and Control 3 (1993), 265-299 (with K. Kunisch).

Linear control semigroups acting on projective space, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 5 (1993), 495-528 (with W. Kliemann).

Some aspects of control systems as dynamical systems, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 5(1993), 469-495 (with W. Kliemann).

Minimal and maximal Lyapunov exponents of bilinear control systems, J. Diff. Equations 101 (1993), 232-275 (with W. Kliemann).

Infinite time optimal control and periodicity, Applied Math. Optim. 20 (1989), 113-130 (with W. Kliemann).

Stability of perturbed optimization problems with applications to parameter estimation, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 11 (1990/91), 873-915 (with K. Kunisch).

Linearizing equations with state dependent delay, Applied Math. Optim. 20 (1989), 45-52 (with M. Brokate).

Asymptotic behavior of optimal control systems with low discount rates, Math. Operations Res. 14 (1989), 309-316.

Structure and duality for time varying linear retarded equations, J. Diff. Equations 78 (1989), 320-353 (with A. Manitius and D. Salamon).

Output least squares stability in elliptic systems, Applied Math. Optim. 19 (1989), 33-63 (with K. Kunisch).

Asymptotic properties of optimal solutions in planar discounted control problems, SIAM J. Control Optim. 27 (1989), 608-630 (with M. Sieveking).

Optimal periodic control: A scenario for local properness, SIAM J. Control Optim. 26 (1988), 452-464.

A note on optimal periodic control and nested optimization problems, J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 50 (1986), 525-533.

Optimality for periodic control of functional differential systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 120 (1986), 119-149.

Stability for parameter estimation in two point boundary value problems, J. Reine Angewandte Math. 370 (1986), 1-29 (with K. Kunisch).

The high frequency pi-criterion for retarded systems, IEEE Trans. Aut. Control AC-30 (1985), 1045-1048.

An algebraic characterization of closed small attainability subspaces of linear delay systems, J. Diff. Equations 53 (1984), 415-432.

On approximate and exact null controllability of delay systems, Systems and Control Letters 5 (1984), 209-211.

A note on the existence of Lagrange multipliers, Applied Math. Optim. 10 (1983), 187-191.

Stable and regular reachability for relaxed hereditary differential systems, SIAM J. Control Optim. 20 (1982), 65-694. Addendum: ibid. 23(1985), 803-807.

The maximum principle for relaxed hereditary differential systems with function space end condition, SIAM J. Control Optim. 20 (1982), 695-712.

Optimal control of linear retarded systems to small solutions, Int. J. Control 36 (1982), 675-693.

A penalty function proof of a Lagrange multiplier theorem with application to linear delay systems, Applied Math.Optim. 7 (1981), 309-334.

Optimal control of functional differential systems, SIAM J. Control Optim. 16 (1978), 861-879 (with D. Hinrichsen).


before 1997 (in proceedings, book chapters etc.) top

Control theory and dynamical systems, in: Six Lectures on Dynamical Systems, B. Aulbach, F. Colonius (Eds.), World Scientific 1996, 121-161 (with W. Kliemann).

Dynamic reliability of nonlinear systems under random excitation, L. Bergman and W.Spencer (Eds., American Society of Mechanical Engineering ASME DE 84-1(1995), 1007-1024 (with G. H?ckl and W. Kliemann).

Asymptotic null controllability of bilinear control systems, Geometry in Nonlinear Control and Differential Inclusions, Banach Center Publications Vol. 32, B. Jakubczyk, W. Respondek (Eds.), Warsaw, 1995, 139-148 (with W. Kliemann).

A stability radius for nonlinear differential equations subject to time-varying perturbations, Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design, Tahoe City CA, June 1995, 44-46 (with W. Kliemann).

Stability of time-varying systems, Amer. Soc. Mechanical Engineering ASME DE Vol. 84-1 (1995), 365-373 (with W. Kliemann).

Lyapunov exponents in nonlinear stochastic dynamics, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, New Orleans, Oct. 1995, 273-275 (with W. Kliemann).

Local robust stabilization of nonlinear oscillators under parametric excitation, Stochastic Dynamics and Reliability of Nonlinear Ocean Systems, R. A. Ibrahim, Y. K. Lin (Eds.), New York 1994, 1-5 (with W. Kliemann).

Feedback stabilization of one dimensional systems near bifurcation points, Proceedings of 2. European Control Conference (Groningen 1993), 45-49 (with W. Kliemann).

Reliability assessment of dynamical systems with random excitation, Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1993, San Antonio, 3879-3884 (with W. Kliemann).

Stabilization of uncertain linear systems - A Lyapunov exponents approach, Report Nr. 372 des DFG-Schwerpunktes Anwendungsbezogene Optimierung und Steuerung, Augsburg 1992 (with W. Kliemann and S. Krull).

Controlling the dynamics of a random system. In: Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanics (IUTAM Symposium Torino 1992), N. Bellomo, F. Casciati (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 333-346 (with W. Kliemann).

On control sets and feedback for nonlinear systems. In: Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium (Bordeaux 1992), M.Fliess (Ed.), 49-56 (with W. Kliemann).

A dynamical systems approach to control. In: Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium (Bordeaux 1992), M.Fliess (Ed.), 361-367 (with W. Kliemann).

Controllability near a Hopf bifurcation, Proc. 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Tucson, Arizona, 1992), 2113-2118 (with G. H?ckl and W. Kliemann).

Remarks on ergodic theory of stochastic flows and control flows. In: Diffusion Processes and Related Problems in Analysis, Vol.II, M. Pinsky, V. Wihstutz (Eds.), Birkh?user 1992, 203-240 (with W. Kliemann).

Stabilization of linear uncertain systems. In: Modelling and Control of Uncertain Systems, G. B. DiMasi, A. Gombani, A. Kurzhansky (Eds.), Birkh?user 1991, 76-90 (with W. Kliemann).

Lyapunov exponents of control flows. In: Lyapunov Exponents, L.Arnold, J.-P.Eckmann, H.Crauel (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Math. Vol. 1486, Springer-Verlag 1991, 331-365 (with W. Kliemann).

The spectrum and eigenspace structure of linear uncertain systems. In: Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Brighton, England, 1991), 887-893 (with W. Kliemann).

Stability radii and Lyapunov exponents. In: Control of Uncertain Systems, D. Hinrichsen, B. Martensson (Eds.), Birkh?user 1990, 19-55 (with W. Kliemann).

Extremal exponential growth rates of bilinear control systems. In: Differential Equations and Applications, R. Aftabizadeh (Ed.), Ohio University Press, Columbus, Ohio, 1989, 186-190 (with W. Kliemann).

Poincare-Bendixson theory for control problems with continuous controls. In: Optimal Control Theory and Economic Analysis 3, G. Feichtinger (Ed.), North Holland 1988, 21-28.

Optimal periodic control for quasilinear systems in Hilbert spaces. Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations II, K. H. Hoffmann, W. Krabs (Eds.), Birkh?user 1987, 57-66.

Output least squares stability for estimation of the diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation. In: Control Problems for Systems governed by Partial Differential Equations and Application, I. Lasiecka, R. Triggiani (Eds.), Springer-Verlag 1987, 185-195 (with K. Kunisch).

On persistence in discounted optimal control problems. Proc. 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Athens, 1986), 1973-1976.

A global maximum principle for periodic control of functional differential systems. Proc. 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Athens, 1986), 1424-1427.

A new approach to the stability analysis of parameter estimation problems. In: Identification and Systems Parameter Estimation, H. A. Barker, P. C. Young (Eds.), Pergamon Press, 1985, 581-584 (with K. Kunisch).

Optimal periodic control of retarded Lienard equations. Distributed Parameter Problems, F. Kappel, K. Kunisch, W. Schappacher (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1985, 77-91.

Tests for properness in periodic control of functional differential systems. In: Proc. 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Las Vegas, 1984), 886-887.

Optimality for evolution systems and delay systems with fixed final F-State. In: Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Pergamon Press, 1983.

A negative result on positive controllability. In: Proc. 22nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (San Antonio, Texas, 1983), 1253.

Optimal control of delay systems to small solutions. In: Functional Differential Systems and Related Topics II, M. Kisielewicz (Ed.), Zielona Gora, 1982, 78-87.

Regularization of Lagrange multipliers for time delay systems with fixed final states. In: Optimization and Optimal Control, A. Auslender, W. Oettli, J. Stoer (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1981, 163-172.

Necessary optimality conditions for nonlinear hereditary differential systems with function space end condition. In: Functional Differential Systems and Related Topics, M.Kisielewicz (Ed.), Zielona Gora, 1980, 62-71.

Optimal control of hereditary differential systems. In: Recent Advances in Control, M.Gregson (Ed.), Academic Press, 1978 (with D. Hinrichsen).

Differentiable state space description of nonlinear hereditary systems. In: Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, S. P. Banks, A. J. Pritchard (Eds.), Pergamon Press, 1978 (with D. Hinrichsen).
