

Arbeitsgruppe H?ppe


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Zur Website der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Henning H?ppe



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Unsere Publikationen

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998


Vivien Wessels, Sofia Kügle und Henning A. H?ppe
Crystal structure, optical properties and thermal properties of M2[W2O3(SO4)6] (M = Y, Eu, Tb, Lu, Bi)

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Daniel Rudolph, Thomas Wylezich, Philip Netzsch, Bj?rn Blaschkowski, Henning A. H?ppe, Philippe Goldner, Nathalie Kunkel, Jean-Louis Hoslauer und Thomas Schleid
Synthesis and crystal structure of the europium(II) hydride oxide iodide Eu5H2O2I4 showing blue-green luminescence

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Philip Netzsch, Matthias H?mmer, Erich Turgunbajew, Thomas P. van Swieten, Andries Meijerink, Henning A. H?ppe und Markus Suta
Beyond the energy gap law: the influence of selection rules and bost compound effects on nonradiative transition rates in Boltzmann thermometers

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Matthias H?mmer, Leonard C. Pasqualini, Sean S. Sebastian, Hubert Huppertz, Henning A. H?ppe und J?rn Bruns
Cd[B2(SO4)4] and H2[B2(SO4)4] – a phyllosilicate-analogous borosulfate and its homeotypic heteropolyacid

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Peter Gross, Yue Zhang, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Bj?rn Winkler und Henning A. H?ppe
New alkaline-earth amidosulfates and their unexpected decomposition to S4N4

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Matthias H?mmer und Henning A. H?ppe
New insights into alkali metal tungstates: the high temperature polymorphism of Na2WO4, the new polymorph Li2WO4-V and the redetermined crystal structure of Li2W2O7

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Martin J. Sch?fer, Florian Fleischmann und Henning A. H?ppe
On new alkaline‐earth hexafluorogermanates as host structures for UV phosphors

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Matthias H?mmer, Florian Pielnhofer, Oliver Janka, Hirotaka Takahashi, Peter Gross, Rainer P?ttgen und Henning A. H?ppe
Polymorphism and optical, magnetic and thermal properties of the either phyllo- or inosilicate-analogous borosulfate Cu[B2(SO4)4]

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Ralf J. C. Locke, Felix C. Goerigk, Martin J. Sch?fer, Henning A. H?ppe und Thomas Schleid
Synthesis, crystal structures and spectroscopic properties of pure YSb2O4Br and YSb2O4Cl as well as Eu3+- and Tb3+-doped samples

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Matthias H?mmer, Jakoah Brgoch, Philip Netzsch und Henning A. H?ppe
The role of the Bi3+ lone pair effect in Bi3O)(SO4)2, Bi(HSO4)3, and Bi2(SO4)3

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Matthias H?mmer und Henning A. H?ppe
The unconventional cadmium borosulfates Cd[B2O(SO4)3] and Cd4[B2O(SO4)6]

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Philip Netzsch und Henning A. H?ppe
Ag[B(S2O7)2]: the first transition metal borosulfate featuring disulfate groups

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Matthias H?mmer, Vivien Wessels, Romy Ettlinger und Henning A. H?ppe
Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure, and thermal decomposition of strontium citrate monohydrate Sr3(C6H5O7)2·H2O

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Philip Netzsch, Matthias H?mmer, Peter Gross und Henning A. H?ppe
Silicate-analogous borosulfates featuring promising luminescence and frequency-doubling (SHG) properties based on a rich crystal chemistry

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Philip Netzsch, Regina Stroh, Florian Pielnhofer, Ingo Krossing und Henning A. H?ppe
Starke Lewis‐ und Br?nsted‐saure Zentren im Borosulfat Mg3[H2O→B(SO4)3]2

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International Edition: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202016920

Philip Netzsch, Regina Stroh, Florian Pielnhofer, Ingo Krossing und Henning A. H?ppe
Strong Lewis and Br?nsted acidic sites in the borosulfate Mg3[H2O→B(SO4)3]2

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Matthias H?mmer, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal und Henning A. H?ppe
The first bismuth borosulfates comprising oxonium and a tectosilicate‐analogous anion

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Matthias H?mmer, Philip Netzsch, Steffen Klenner, Kai Neuschulz, Mona Struckmann, Mathias S. Wickleder, Michael Daub, Harald Hillebrecht, Rainer P?ttgen und Henning A. H?ppe
The tin sulfates Sn(SO4)2 and Sn2(SO4)3: crystal structures, optical and thermal properties

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Peter Gross und Henning A. H?ppe
Biuret - a crucial reaction intermediate for understanding urea pyrolysis to form carbon nitrides: crystal‐structure elucidation and in situ diffractometric, vibrational and thermal characterisation

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J?rn Bruns, Henning A. H?ppe, Michael Daub, Harald Hillebrecht und Hubert Huppertz
Borosulfates: synthesis and structural chemistry of silicate analogue compounds

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Philip Netzsch, Florian Pielnhofer und Henning A. H?ppe
From S-O-S to B-O-S to B-O-B bridges: Ba[B(S2O7)2]2 as a model system for the structural diversity in borosulfate chemistry

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Matthias H?mmer, Oliver Janka, Judith B?nnighausen, Steffen Klenner, Rainer P?ttgen und Henning A. H?ppe
On the phosphors Na5M(WO4)4 (M = Y, La–Nd, Sm–Lu, Bi): crystal structures, thermal decomposition, and optical and magnetic properties

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Stephan G. Jantz, Florian Pielnhofer und Henning A. H?ppe
On tungstates of divalent cations (III) – Pb5O2[WO6]

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Stephan G. Jantz, Rebekka Erdmann, Shruti Hariyani, Jakoah Brgoch und Henning A. H?ppe
Sr6(BO3)3BN2: an oxido–nitrido–borate phosphor featuring BN2 dumbbells

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Philip Netzsch und Henning A. H?ppe
Sr[B2(SO4)3(S2O7)]: a borosulfate with an unprecedented chain structure comprising disulfate groups

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Philip Netzsch und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis and characterization of the chain borosulfates (NH4)3[B(SO4)3] and Sr[B2(SO4)4]

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Philip Netzsch, Florian Pielnhofer, Robert Glaum und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis‐controlled polymorphism and optical properties of phyllosilicate‐analogous borosulfates M[B2(SO4)4] (M = Mg, Co)

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Martin J. Sch?fer, Stephan G. Jantz und Henning A. H?ppe
The UV-phosphor strontium fluorooxoborate Sr[B5O7F3]:Eu

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Olaf Reckeweg, Falk Lissner, Bj?rn Blaschkowski, Peter Gross, Henning A. H?ppe und Thomas Schleid
Two light-metal dihydrogenisocyanurate hydrates linked by diagonal relationship: syntheses, crystal structures, and vibrational spectra of Li[H2N3C3O3]·1.75 H2O and Mg[H2N3C3O3]2·8 H2O

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Katharina V. Dorn, Bj?rn Blaschkowski, Philip Netzsch, Henning A. H?ppe und Ingo Hartenbach
Blue excitement: the lanthanide(III) chloride oxidomolybdates(VI) Ln3Cl3[MoO6] (Ln = La, Pr, and Nd) and their spectroscopic properties

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Julia Fritzsche, Romy Ettlinger, Maciej Grzywa, Stephan G. Jantz, Andreas Kalytta-Mewes, Hana Bunzen, Henning A. H?ppe und Dirk Volkmer
CFA-15 – a perfluorinated metal–organic framework with linear 1-D CuII-chains containing accessible unsaturated, reactive metal centres

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Matthias H?mmer und Henning A. H?ppe
Crystalline orthorhombic Ln[CO3][OH] (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) compounds hydrothermally synthesised with CO2 from air as carbonate source

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Philip Netzsch, Peter Gross, Hirotaka Takahashi, Sogol Lotfi, Jakoah Brgoch und Henning A. H?ppe
Exploring main group metal borosulfates: similarities and differences of two new borosulfates M[B2O(SO4)3] (M = Sr, Pb)

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M. Seibald, S. Lange, Stephan G. Jantz, Henning A. H?ppe und R. Erdmann
Leuchtstoff und Konversions-LED

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Philip Netzsch, Matthias H?mmer, Peter Gross, Harijs Bariss, Theresa Block, Lukas Heletta, Rainer P?ttgen, J?rn Bruns, Hubert Huppertz und Henning A. H?ppe
RE2[B2(SO4)6] (RE = Y, La–Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb–Lu): a silicate-analogous host structure with weak coordination behaviour

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Daniel Rudolph, Thomas Wylezich, Atul D. Sontakke, Andries Meijerink, Philippe Goldner, Philip Netzsch, Henning A. H?ppe, Nathalie Kunkel und Thomas Schleid
Synthesis and optical properties of the Eu2+-doped alkaline-earth metal hydride chlorides AE7H12Cl2 (AE?=?Ca and Sr)

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Philip Netzsch, Harijs Bariss, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal und Henning A. H?ppe
Tb(HSO4)(SO4): a green emitting hydrogensulfate sulfate with second harmonic generation response

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Peter Gross und Henning A. H?ppe
The sodium (iso)cyanurates Nax[H3-xC3N3O3]·yH2O (x = 1-3, y = 0, 1): a key-series for understanding the crystal chemistry of metal (iso)cyanurates

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Martin J. Sch?fer, Stephan G. Jantz, Florian Pielnhofer und Henning A. H?ppe
The very first normal-pressure tin borate Sn3B4O9, and the intermediate Sn2[B7O12]F

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Peter Gross und Henning A. H?ppe
Unravelling the urea-route to boron nitride: synthesis and characterization of the crucial reaction intermediate ammonium bis(biureto)borate

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Henning A. H?ppe
Comment on ZAAC Article z201800267 (On the Demystification of “HPbI3” and the Peculiarities of the Non‐innocent Solvents H2O and DMF)

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M. Fix, Anton Jesche, Stephan G. Jantz, S. A. Br?uninger, Hans-Henning Klauss, Rudra S. Manna, I. M. Pietsch, Henning A. H?ppe und Paul C. Canfield
Ferromagnetism versus slow paramagnetic relaxation in Fe-doped Li3N

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Tanja Schustereit, Philip Netzsch, Henning A. H?ppe und Ingo Hartenbach
Green light: on YCl[WO4] as host material for luminescence active Tb3+ cations

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Florian Ledderboge, Jan Nowak, Hans-Joachim Massonne, Katharina F?rg, Henning A. H?ppe und Thomas Schleid
High-pressure investigations of yttrium(III) oxoarsenate(V): crystal structure and luminescence properties of Eu3+-doped scheelite-type Y[AsO4] from xenotime-type precursors

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Stephan G. Jantz, Marwin Dialer, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Bj?rn Winkler, Leo van Wüllen, Florian Pielnhofer, Jakoah Brgoch, Richard Weihrich und Henning A. H?ppe
Sn[B2O3F2] - the first tin fluorooxoborate as possible NLO material

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Shrikant A. Mohitkar, Jürgen Nuss, Henning A. H?ppe, Claudia Felser und Martin Jansen
Sr5Os3O13: a mixed valence osmium(v,vi) layered perovskite variant exhibiting temperature dependent charge distribution

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Philip Netzsch, Peter Gross, Hirotaka Takahashi und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis and Characterization of the First Borosulfates of Magnesium, Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, and Zinc

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Sandra Sch?negger, Stephan G. Jantz, Andreas Saxer, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Bj?rn Winkler, Florian Pielnhofer, Henning A. H?ppe und Hubert Huppertz
Synthesis and Characterization of the First Tin Fluoride Borate Sn3[B3O7]F with Second Harmonic Generation Response

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Stephan G. Jantz, Florian Pielnhofer, Leo van Wüllen, Richard Weihrich, Martin J. Sch?fer und Henning A. H?ppe
The first alkaline-earth fluorooxoborate Ba[B4O6F2] - characterisation and doping with Eu2+

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Peter Gross und Henning A. H?ppe
An expedition on alkali and alkaline-earth isocyanurate hydrates: structure elucidation, thermogravimetry, and spectroscopy

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Stephan G. Jantz, Florian Pielnhofer, Marwin Dialer und Henning A. H?ppe
On tungstates of divalent cations (I) - structural investigation and spectroscopic properties of Sr2[WO5] and Ba2[WO5]

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Stephan G. Jantz, Florian Pielnhofer, Marwin Dialer und Henning A. H?ppe
On tungstates of divalent cations (II) - polymorphy of Pb2WO5

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Katharina V. Dorn, Bj?rn Blaschkowski, Katharina F?rg, Philip Netzsch, Henning A. H?ppe und Ingo Hartenbach
Prism inside: spectroscopic and magnetic properties of the lanthanide(III) chloride oxidotungstates(VI) Ln3Cl3[WO6] (Ln = La - Nd, Sm - Tb)

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Katharina F?rg und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure of a new structure type, and thermal analysis of the ammonium borophosphate (NH4)2[B2P3O11(OH)]

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Eva Karatairi und Henning A. H?ppe
Are rare earths part of a bright future for lighting and displays?

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Stephan G. Jantz, Leo van Wüllen, Andreas Fischer, Eugen Libowitzky, Enrique J. Baran, Matthias Weil und Henning A. H?ppe
Syntheses, crystal structures, NMR spectroscopy, and vibrational spectroscopy of Sr(PO3F)·H2O and Sr(PO3F)

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Henning A. H?ppe, Stefan W. Scharinger, Joachim G. Heck, Peter Gross, Philip Netzsch und Karolina Kazmierczak
Synthesis, crystal structure, vibrational and 31P-NMR spectroscopy of the thiophosphate NaMg[PO3S]·9H2O

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Peter Gross, Arno Kirchhain und Henning A. H?ppe
The borosulfates K4[BS4O15(OH)], Ba[B2S3O13], and Gd2[B2S6O24]

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Tanja Schustereit, Thomas Schleid, Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak und Ingo Hartenbach
Chloride derivatives of lanthanoid(III) ortho-oxidotungstates(VI) with the formula LnCl[WO4] (Ln=Gd–Lu): syntheses, crystal structures and spectroscopic properties

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Henning A. H?ppe
Gd4(BO2)O5F – a gadolinium borate fluoride oxide comprising a linear BO2 moiety

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Katharina F?rg und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure, optical and thermal properties of lanthanide hydrogen-polyphosphates Ln[H(PO3)4] (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho)

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Katharina F?rg und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure, optical, magnetic and thermal properties of (NH4)2Mn[B2P3O11(OH)2]Cl

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Michael Daub, Henning A. H?ppe und Harald Hillebrecht
Further new borosulfates: synthesis, crystal structure, and vibrational spectra of A[B(SO4)2] (A= Na, K, NH4) and the crystal structures of Li5[B(SO4)4] and NH4[B(S2O7)2]

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Ingo Hartenbach, Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak und Thomas Schleid
Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopic properties of a novel yttrium(iii) fluoride dimolybdate(vi): YFMo2O7

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak, Elida Romano und Silvia Antonia Brandán
A structural and vibrational study on the first condensed borosulfate K5[B(SO4)4] by using the FTIR–Raman spectra and DFT calculations

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Michael Daub, Karolina Kazmierczak, Peter Gross, Henning A. H?ppe und Harald Hillebrecht
Exploring a new structure family: alkali borosulfates Na5[B(SO4)4], A3[B(SO4)3] (A = K, Rb), Li[B(SO4)2], and Li[B(S2O7)2]

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Michael Daub, Karolina Kazmierczak und Henning A. H?ppe
Syntheses and crystal structures of the cyclotriphosphate hydrates Nd(P3O9)·3H2O, Nd(P3O9)·4.5H2O,RE(P3O9)·5H2O (RE= Pr, Nd), and Na3RE(P3O9)2·6H2O (RE= Pr, Nd)

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Michael Daub, Karolina Kazmierczak, Henning A. H?ppe und Harald Hillebrecht
The borosulfate story goes on - from alkali and oxonium salts to polyacids

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak, Christine Grumbt, Lisa Schindler, Inga Schellenberg und Rainer P?ttgen
The oxonitridoborate Eu5(BO2.51(7)N0.49(7))4 and the mixed-valent borates Sr3Ln2(BO3)4(Ln = Ho, Er)

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak, Michael Daub, Katharina F?rg, Franziska Fuchs und Harald Hillebrecht
Das erste Borosulfat K5[B(SO4)4]

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Beatriz Gil-Hernández, Jana K. Maclaren, Henning A. H?ppe, Jorge Pasán, Joaquín Sanchiz und Christoph Janiak
Homochiral lanthanoid(iii) mesoxalate metal–organic frameworks: synthesis, crystal growth, chirality, magnetic and luminescent properties

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Michael Daub, Henning A. H?ppe und Harald Hillebrecht
Neue Borosulfate der Alkalimetalle

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Michael Daub, Anna J. Lehner und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of Na2RE(PO4)(WO4) (RE = Y, Tb–Lu)

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Henning A. H?ppe und Michi Daub
Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of the catena-metaphosphates Ce(PO3)4 and U(PO3)4

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak, Michael Daub, Katharina F?rg, Franziska Fuchs und Harald Hillebrecht
The first borosulfate K5[B(SO4)4]

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak, Sylwia Kacprzak, Inga Schellenberg und Rainer P?ttgen
Surprising luminescent properties of the polyphosphates Ln(PO3)3?:?Eu (Ln = Y, Gd, Lu)

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Karolina Kazmierczak und Henning A. H?ppe
Syntheses, crystal structures and optical spectroscopy of Ln2(SO4)3·8H2O (Ln=Ho, Tm) and Pr2(SO4)3·4H2O

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Henning A. H?ppe, Sylvio Indris und J?rn Schmedt auf der Günne
Festk?rperchemie 2009

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Beatriz Gil-Hernández, Henning A. H?ppe, Jana K. Vieth, Joaquin Sanchiz und Christoph Janiak
Spontaneous resolution upon crystallization of chiral La(iii) and Gd(iii) MOFs from achiral dihydroxymalonate

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Karolina Kazmierczak und Henning A. H?ppe
Syntheses, crystal structures and vibrational spectra of KLn(SO4)2·H2O (Ln=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy)

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Karolina Kazmierczak, Joachim?G. Heck und Henning A. H?ppe
Syntheses, crystal structures, vibrational spectra and 31P MAS NMR spectra of the thiophosphates NaM(PO3S)·9H2O (M= Ca, Ba)

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Karolina Kazmierczak und Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure and optical spectra of europium borate fluoride Eu5(BO3)3F

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Henning A. H?ppe, Karolina Kazmierczak und Michael Daub
Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra of barium cyclotetraphosphate hydrate Ba2(P4O12)?3.5H2O?

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Henning A. H?ppe
Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der anorganischen Leuchtstoffe

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Alexandra Friedrich, Karsten Knorr, Bj?rn Winkler, Alexandra Lieb, Henning A. H?ppe, Wolfgang Schnick, Victor Milman und Michael Hanfland
Compression behaviour of nitridocarbidosilicates M2[Si4N6C] M = Y, Ho, Er studied with X-ray diffraction and ab initio calculations

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Hesham A. Habib, Anke Hoffmann, Henning A. H?ppe, Gunther Steinfeld und Christoph Janiak
Crystal structure solid-state cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C NMR correlation in luminescent d10 metal-organic frameworks constructed with the 1,2-Bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)ethane ligand

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Henning A. H?ppe und J. Michel U. Panzer
Crystal structure, vibrational spectra and activation of BaCa(P4O12) with Eu2+ compared with β-Sr(PO3)2:Eu

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Hesham A. Habib, Anke Hoffmann, Henning A. H?ppe und Christoph Janiak
Crystal structures and solid-state CPMAS 13C NMR correlations in luminescent zinc(II) and cadmium(II) mixed-ligand coordination polymers constructed from 1,2-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)ethane and benzenedicarboxylate

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Peter Schmidt, Thomas Juestel, Henning A. H?ppe, Walter Mayer und Wolfgang Busselt
Illumination system comprising a radiation source and a fluorescent material.

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Henning A. H?ppe
Recent developments in the field of inorganic phosphors

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Henning A. H?ppe, Michael Daub und Oliver Oeckler
Synthesis, crystal structure, infrared spectrum and thermal behaviour of α-BaHPO4

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Henning A. H?ppe
The phase transition of the incommensurate phases β-Ln(PO3)3β-Ln(PO3)3 (Ln=Y,Tb…Yb)(Ln=Y,Tb…Yb), crystal structures of α-Ln(PO3)3α-Ln(PO3)3 (Ln=Y,Tb…Yb)(Ln=Y,Tb…Yb) and Sc(PO3)3Sc(PO3)3

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Henning A. H?ppe, Christine Grumbt, Michel Panzer und Karolina Kazmierczak
Eu5(BO3)4 - ein teilgeordnetes gemischtvalentes Borat

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Henning A. H?ppe, Michael Daub und Manuel C. Br?hmer
Coactivation of α-Sr(PO3)2 and SrM(P2O7) (M = Zn, Sr) with Eu2+ and Mn2+

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Henning A. H?ppe und Stefan J. Sedlmaier
Crystal structures of incommensurately modulated Ln(PO3)3(Ln = Tb?Yb) and commensurate Gd(PO3)3 and Lu(PO3)3

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Andreas Sonnauer, Christian N?ther, Henning A. H?ppe, Jürgen Senker und Norbert Stock
Systematic investigation of lanthanide phosphonatoethanesulfonate framework structures by high-throughput methods, Ln(O3P?C2H4?SO3)(H2O) (Ln = La?Dy)

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Florian Stadler, Oliver Oeckler, Henning A. H?ppe, Manfred H. M?ller, Rainer P?ttgen, Bernd D. Mosel, Peter Schmidt, Viola Duppel, Arndt Simon und Wolfgang Schnick
Crystal structure, physical properties and HRTEM investigation of the new oxonitridosilicate EuSi2O2N2

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Henning A. H?ppe und Manuel Br?hmer
α-Sr(PO3)2:SE2+ und β-Sr(PO3)2:SE2+ (SE = Eu, Sm)

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Guillaume Pilet, Henning A. H?ppe, Wolfgang Schnick und Saeid Esmaeilzadeh
Crystal structure and mechanical properties of SrSi7N10

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Regina Mueller-Mach, Gerd Mueller, Michael R. Krames, Henning A. H?ppe, Florian Stadler, Wolfgang Schnick, Thomas Juestel und Peter Schmidt
Highly efficient all-nitride phosphor-converted white light emitting diode

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Peter Schmidt, Thomas Juestel, Walter Mayer, Hans-Dieter Bausen, Wolfgang Schnick und Henning A. H?ppe
Light-emitting device comprising an Eu(II)-activated phosphor

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Henning A. H?ppe
Synthesis, crystal structure, and vibrational spectra of Ca4P6O19 (Tr?melite) - a catena-hexaphosphate

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Henning A. H?ppe
The synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra of α-Sr(PO3)2 containing an unusual catena-polyphosphate helix

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Henning A. H?ppe, Florian Stadler, Oliver Oeckler und Wolfgang Schnick
Ca[Si2O2N2] - a novel layer silicate

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Henning A. H?ppe, Henning Trill, Gunter Kotzyba, Bernd D. Mosel, Rainer P?ttgen und Wolfgang Schnick
Magnetic investigations and 151Eu M?ssbauer spectroscopy of MYbSi4N7 with M = Sr, Ba, Eu

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Holger Lutz, Sven Joosten, Jochen Hoffmann, Petra Lehmeier, Alois Seilmeier, Henning A. H?ppe und Wolfgang Schnick
Nonlinear optical susceptibilities χ(2) of nitridosilicate powders

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Barbara Jürgens, Elisabeth Irran, Henning A. H?ppe und Wolfgang Schnick
Phase transition of a dicyanamide with rutile-like structure: syntheses and crystal structures of α- and β-Cd[N(CN)2]2

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Narun Thamavaranukup, Henning A. H?ppe, Luisa Ruiz-Gonzalez, Pedro M. F. J. Costa, Jeremy Sloan, Angus Kirkland und Malcolm L. H. Green
Single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with M OH (M = K, Cs) and then washed and refilled with clusters and molecules

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Florian Stadler, Oliver Oeckler, Jürgen Senker, Henning A. H?ppe, Peter Kroll und Wolfgang Schnick
SrSi6N8 - a reduced nitridosilicate with a Si-Si bond

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Henning A. H?ppe, F. Stadler, O. Oeckler und W. Schnick
SrSi6N8 - ein reduziertes Nitridosilicat mit Si-Si-Bindungen

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Barbara Jürgens, Henning A. H?ppe und Wolfgang Schnick
Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of rubidium dihydrogentricyanomelaminate semihydrate Rb[H2C6N9]·1/2 H2O

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Wolfgang Schnick, Regina Bettenhausen, Brigitte G?tze, Henning A. H?ppe, Hubert Huppertz, Elisabeth Irran, Klaus K?llisch, Rainer Lauterbach, Michael Orth, Stefan Rannabauer, Thomas Schlieper, Bernd Schwarze und Frank Wester
Oligonary nitrides and oxonitrides of Si, P, Al, and B in combination with rare earth or transition metals as well as molecular precursor compounds with nitrido bridges M‐N‐Si (M = Ti, Zr, Hf, W, Sn)

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Henning A. H?ppe, Henning Trill, Bernd D. Mosel, Hellmut Eckert, Gunter Kotzyba, Rainer P?ttgen und Wolfgang Schnick
Hyperfine interactions in the 13K ferromagnet Eu2Si5N8

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Henning A. H?ppe, Henning Trill, G. Kotzyba, Bernd-Dieter Mosel, Hellmut Eckert, R. P?ttgen und W. Schnick
MYb[Si4N7](M = Sr, Ba, Eu) - Magnetismus und 151 Eu-M??bauer-Untersuchungen

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Henning A. H?ppe, Gunter Kotzyba, Rainer P?ttgen und Wolfgang Schnick
Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetism, and optical properties of Gd3[SiON3]O - an oxonitridosilicate oxide with noncondensed SiON3 tetrahedra

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Barbara Jürgens, Henning A. H?ppe und Wolfgang Schnick
Synthesis, crystal structure, vibrational spectroscopy, and thermal behaviour of lead dicyanamide Pb[N(CN)2]2

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Barbara Jürgens, Henning A. H?ppe, Elisabeth Irran und Wolfgang Schnick
Transformation of ammonium dicyanamide into dicyandiamide in the solid

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Henning A. H?ppe, Gunter Kotzyba, Rainer P?ttgen und Wolfgang Schnick
High-temperature synthesis, crystal structure, optical properties, and magnetism of the carbidonitridosilicates Ho2[Si4N6C] and Tb2[Si4N6C]

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Klaus K?llisch, Henning A. H?ppe, Hubert Huppertz, Michael Orth und Wolfgang Schnick
Neue Vertreter des Er6[Si11N20]O-Strukturtyps Hochtemperatur-Synthesen und Kristallstrukturen von Ln(6+x/3)[Si(11-y)AlyN(20+x-y)]O(1-x+y) mit Ln?=?Nd, Er, Yb, Dy und 0?≤?x?≤?3, 0?≤?y?≤?3

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Stephen?M. Capps, Timothy?P. Clarke, Jonathan?P.?H. Charmant, Henning A. H?ppe, Guy?C. Lloyd-Jones, Martin Murray, Torren?M. Peakman, Rosie?A. Stentiford, Kenneth?E. Walsh und Paul?A. Worthington
Highly substituted homoallylvinylcyclopropanes by indium-mediated reaction of α,β-unsaturated ketones and aldehydes with allylic halides

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Henning A. H?ppe, H. Lutz, P. Morys, W. Schnick und A. Seilmeier
Luminescence in Eu2+-doped Ba2Si5N8: fluorescence, thermoluminescence, and upconversion

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Henning A. H?ppe, Guy C. Lloyd-Jones, Martin Murray, Torren M. Peakman und Kenneth E. Walsh
Homoallyl‐substituted vinylcyclopropanes from α,β‐unsaturated ketones and allylindium derivatives

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Universit?t Augsburg
Institut für Physik
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