

Dr. Daniel Gross

Doctoral Research Assistant (GIF PROJECT)
Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft / Anglistik
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 2748

Curriculum Vitae



2017 - 2019:










2017 - 2018:

Research?Associate, Chair of Applied Linguistics, University of Augsburg


German as a Foreign Language Teacher, Vinzenz-Palotti-School, Friedberg


Master of Education

Master Thesis: "'Your alleged source is wrong!': Evidential Strategies in Alt-Right Media Discourse"


Research Assistant,?Chair of Applied Linguistics, University of Augsburg


Teaching Associate, Chair of Applied Linguistics, University of Augsburg


First State Examination in TEfL, German,?TGfL, Ethics/Philosophy, Social Studies?(Lehramt Gymnasium Englisch, Deutsch, DaZ/DaF, Ethik/Philosophie, Sozialkunde)

Admission Thesis: "'We have to leave the EU if we are to stand any chance': Modals and Quasi-modals of Necessity and Obligation and their Distribution in Media Discourse"



Daniel H. Gross. 2024.The discursive construction of ordinary people in online media discourse: a contrastive analysis of discursive prosodies in English and German. PhD dissertation. Universit?t Augsburg. https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4/111607


Nie?ner, Tobias, Daniel H. Gross, and Matthias Schumann. 2022. "Evidential Strategies in Financial Statement Analysis: A Corpus Linguistic Text Mining Approach to Bankruptcy Prediction" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15, no. 10: 459. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm15100459



Research Interests

  • Political & Media Discourse

  • Corpus Linguistics

  • Discourse Semantics


  • Modality & Modal Logic

  • Evidentiality & Evidential Strategies

PhD Project

"The Construction of Ordinariness in Mediated Public Talk: A Contrastive Analysis of English and German" (working title) funded by: GIF German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
