

Ankita Dolai

Akademischer Lebenslauf

Academic Credentials-

  • 2012 Montfort School, X Grade, CBSE, 90.8%
  • 2014 Bhavan's Bhagwandas Purohit Vidya Mandir, XII Grade, CBSE, 92.2%
  • 2017 Jai Hind College, B.A. (English Literature) 68%
  • 2019 University of Mumbai M.A. Honors and Research in English Literature, 72% with 8.4 CGPI
  • 2019 Heinrich Heine University (Dusseldorf, Germany) Summer Semester University Exchange Program.


Academic Courses-

  • Indian Cultural Heritage Level 1 organized by Jai Hind College, endorsed by Asiatic Society Mumbai, 2014
  • Media and Popular Culture organized by Wilson college in collaboration with English Department of Jai Hind college, 2017



The thesis working title, "From Madwoman to Funny Women: Excess as Resistance in Comedy Produced by Women" aims to analyse excess in women’s comedy as a mode of feminist intervention and develop a deeper understanding of how humour acts as a form of female resistance and identification. The project aims at deciphering how personal markers of identity and experiences of women in relation to performance and production of humour evolve into a political stance or statement deflecting the dominant forces of social constructs. The thesis wants to explore these emergent and deviant ideologies represented through humour across TV series as a prominent genre, which highlight excessive women and their tryst with ambivalences in identity and perspectives. The thesis also attempts to encompass different kinds and functions of excess through humour using a global perspective hence broadening understanding of humour in a larger cultural context.


Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Interessensgebiete

-? Research interests

-? Gender studies

-? Humour studies

-? TV studies

-? Popul?r Culture

-? Cultural studies


Preise und Stipendien

-? Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf from 01.04.2019 to 1.08.2019

-? University of Augsburg, Augsburg from- 15.06.2021 to 15.09.2021

