
Blick auf die Fraueninsel im Chiemsee
A view on Frauenchiemsee Foto: M. Remmelberger

The DFG-funded Scientific Network Stochastic Processes on Evolving Networks hosts a workshop?


Random Graphs and Random Media


at Kloster Frauenw?rth in Frauenchiemsee

14 - 17 January 2024


Getting there

Arrival is on Sunday. Mind that the venue is on an island, which can only be reached by boat from Prien (or Gstadt).

Recommended travel: use train Munich - Prien am Chiemsee (1 hour), walk to Prien harbour (25 min), and take a boat to Fraueninsel (30 min). The boat departs from Prien at 3PM, 4PM, 5PM and 6:30PM (this is the last boat!). See Chiemseeschifffahrt for details.


Departure is on Wednesday after breakfast. An option is to visit the neighboring Herreninsel with its famous Ludwig castle.


Scientific program


Sunday, 14.01.2024


until 19:00??????? Arrival

19:15??????????????? Dinner
Monday, 15.01.2024
8:00-9:00????????? Breakfast
9:00-9:45????????? Amin Coja-Oghlan: Noisy group testing
9:45-10:15??????? Coffee
10:15-11:00????? Christian Hirsch: Poisson approximation of fixed-degree nodes in weighted random connection models
11:00-11:45????? Bas Lodewijks: Structural properties of explosive Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes -
???????????????????????? With applications to super-linear preferential attachment models with fitness
12:00??? ????????????Lunch
15:00-15:45????? Sara Terveer: Expected hitting times in the stochastic block model
15:45-16:15????? Coffee
16:15-17:00????? Sebastian Andres: Heat kernel fluctuations and quantitative homogenization for the one-dimensional Bouchaud trap model
17:00-17:45????? Ji?í ?ern?: On (non-)tightness of the maximum of branching random walk in random environment and of transition fronts to randomized F-KPP equation
18:00??? ????????????Dinner
Tuesday, 16.01.2024
8:00-9:00????????? Breakfast
9:00-9:45????????? Konstantinos Panagiotou: Dispersion around criticality on the complete graph
9:45-10:15??????? Coffee
10:15-11:00????? Dominik Schmid: Markov equivalence classes of directed acyclic graphs
11:00-11:45????? Daniel Willhalm: Large deviations for one-hidden-layer neural networks
12:00??????????????? Lunch???
15:00-15:45????? Lukas Lüchtrath: The random cluster graph
15:45-16:15????? Coffee
16:15-17:00????? Angeliki Koutsimpela: The deterministic and stochastic shallow lake problem
17:00-17:45????? Stein Bethuelsen: The zombie-infection model
18:00??????????????? Dinner
Wednesday, 17.01.2024
8:00-9:00???????? Breakfast
??????????????????????? and farewell




Organizers: Anton Klimovsky and Markus Heydenreich?

