- Dr. Hana Bunzen (26.10.2022) "Anorganische Chemie"
Coordination materials for medical and environmental applications - Dr. Christoph Westerhausen (27.10.2021) "Experimentalphysik"
Erforschung zellul?rer Interaktion mittels Akustik, Mikrofluidik und Thermodynamik - Dr. Andreas Sinner (03.07.2019) "Theoretische Physik"
Emergenzph?nomene und Transport in Systemen mit spektraler Entartung - Dr. German Hammerl (03.07.2019) "Experimentalphysik"
Transport Properties of Interfaces in Oxide Hetero-structures - Dr. Stephan Krohns (08.05.2019) "Experimentalphysik"
Dielektrika für neue Energiespeicher - Synthese - Dr. Sabine Renate Wüst (28.11.2018) "Atmosph?renphysik"
Wellen in der mittleren Atmosph?re: Untersuchung von Kopplungsmechanismen und Entwicklung von Validationskonzepten - Dr. Ute Veronika Fritsch (23.05.2018) "Experimentalphysik"
Quantum Phase Transitions in Frustrated Intermetallics - Quantenphasenüberg?nge in frustrierten intermetallischen Verbindungen - Dr. Markus G. R. Sause (28.10.2015) "Experimentalphysik"
Fiber Reinforced Composites: In-Situ Monitoring Theory, Basic Concepts, Methods and Applications - Dr. Marcus Kollar (26.11.2014) "Theoretische Physik"
Correlated Electrons in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium - Dr. Norbert Büttgen (21.05.2014) "Experimentalphysik"
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Magnetically Frustrated Transition-Metal Oxides - Dr. Georg Eickerling (21.05.2014) "Chemie"
Die Topologie der Elektronendichte bei subatomarer Aufl?sung - Dr. Cosima Schuster (15.01.2014) "Theoretische Physik"
Electronic structure and transport properties of inhomogeneous correlated systems - Dr. Sergey Mikhailov (30.10.2013) "Theoretische Physik"
Electrodynamics of low-dimensional semiconductor and semimetal (graphene) systems - Dr. Matthias Schneider (27.06.2012) "Experimentalphysik"
Thermodynamische Zust?nde und ?berg?nge als Grundlage biologischer Funktionen (von selbstorganisiertem Blut und Einsteins Sicht auf weiche Grenzfl?chen) - Dr. Andreas Schmehl (18.01.2012) "Experimentalphysik"
Studies on Europium Monoxide - A Key Material for the Understanding of Magneto-Electronic Materials, Heterostructures and Interfaces - Dr. Thomas Franke (06.07.2011) "Experimentalphysik"
Biological cells and soft objects in microfluidic and acoustic fields - Dr. Stefan Thalhammer (22.07.2009) "Experimentalphysik"
Free programmable planar Lab-on-a-Chip - Dr. Andreas Opitz (01.07.2009) "Experimentalphysik"
Ladungstransport von organisch-anorganischen Grenzfl?chen - Dr.Jens Ebbecke (21.01.2009) "Experimentalphysik"
Nanostrukturen im Potential von akustischen Oberfl?chenwellen - Dr. Dr. Udo Schwingenschl?gl (21.05.2008) "Theoretische Physik"
Electronic Structure Calculations for Inhomogeneous Systems: Interfaces, Surfaces, and Nanocontacts - Dr. Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda (27.06.2007) "Experimentalphysik"
Electron-Spin Resonance in Strongly Correlated Transition-Metal Oxides - Dr. Stefan Ebbinghaus (25.10.2006) "Anorganische Chemie / Festk?rperchemie"
On the Structural and Phenomenological Diversity fo Perovskites Containing 4d and 5d Transition Metals - Dr. Anke Weidenkaff (25.10.2006) "Festk?rperchemie"
Perovskite Phases as Functional Materials in Regenerative Energy Systems - Dr. Andreas Heinrich (12.07.2006) "Experimentalphysik"
Matnetooptische Materialien und magnetooptische Untersuchungen an Supraleitern - Dr. Christof W. Schneider (14.06.2006) "Experimentalphysik"
Superconducting and Normal State Properties of Grain Boundaries in Cuprate Superconductor - Dr. Joachim Hemberger (25.01.2006) "Experimentalphysik"
Complex interplay of microscopic degrees of freedom in transition-metal oxides - Dr. J?rg Sch?fer (14.12.2005) "Experimentalphysik"
Electronic Interactions and Phase Transitions at Surfaces and in Low Dimensions - Dr. Helmut Karl (29.06.2005) "Experimentalphysik"
Combinatorial Ion Beam Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanoclusters - Dr. Ralph Dux (19.1.2005) "Experimentalphysik"
Impurity Transport in Tokamak Plasmas - Dr. Igor Goychuk (08.12.2004) "Theoretische Physik"
Quantum dynamics with fluctuating parameters - Dr. Sigmund Kohler (08.12.2004) "Theoretische Physik"
Transport through driven nanoscale conductors - Dr. Alexander Krimmel (15.1.2003) "Experimentalphysik"
Electronically highly correlated tenary transition metal oxides - Dr. Matthias Vojta (12.12.2002) "Theoretische Physik"
Bulk and boundary quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors - Dr. Peter Schwab (12.12.2002) "Theoretische Physik"
Electron-Electron Interactions and Charge Transport in Mesoscopic Conductors - Dr. Ursel Fantz (23.1.2002) "Experimentalphysik"
Atomic and Molecular Emission Spectroscopy in Low Temperature Plasmas Containing Hydrogen and Deuterium - Dr. Andrei Pimenov (19.12.2001) "Experimentalphysik"
Submillimeter-Wave Electrodynamics of Superconductors - Dr. Stefan Kehrein (4.7.2001) "Theoretische Physik"
The Flow Equation Approach to Many-Particle Systems - Dr. Franz J. Gie?ibl (4.7.2001) "Experimentalphysik"
Progress in Atomic Force Microscopy - Dr. Dietmar Weinmann (20.6.2001) "Theoretische Physik"
Mesoscopic Systems with Disorder and Interaction - Dr. Peter Reimann (22.11.2000) "Theoretische Physik"
Noisy Transport in Periodic Systems far from Equilibrium - Dr. Ralf Bulla (22.11.2000) "Theoretische Physik"
The Numerical Renormalization Group Method for Correlated Electron Systems - Dr. J?rg K.N. Lindner (19.07.2000) "Experimentalphysik"
The Formation of SiC Thin Films by Ion Beam Synthesis and Other Techniques: A Review - Dr. Peter Lunkenheimer (19.01.2000) "Experimentalphysik"
Dielectric Spectroscopy of Glassy Dynamics -
Dr. Milena Grifoni (23.06.1999) "Theoretische Physik"
Driven Dissipative Tunneling -
Dr. Volker Eyert (09.12.1998) "Theoretische Physik"
Octrahedral Deformations and Metal-Insulator Transition in Transition Metal Chalcogenides -
Dr. Ulrich Herr (09.12.1998) "Experimentalphysik"
Phase Stability and Phase Transformations in Interface Controlled Glass Forming Alloys -
Dr. Klaus Richter (20.05.1998) "Theoretische Physik"
Semiclassical Theory of Mesoscopic Quantum Systems -
Dr. Michael Moske (10.12.1997) "Experimentalphysik"
Mechanische Spannungen als Sonde für Schichtwachstum und Schichtreaktionen -
Dr. Stefan Linz (25.06.1997) "Theoretische Physik"
Dynamics of Granular Systems: Macromechanical Models -
Dr. Hartmut Zohm (10.01.1996) "Experimentalphysik"
Dynamic Behaviour of the High Confinement Mode of Fusion Plasmas -
Dr. Thomas Dittrich (17.05.1995) "Theoretische Physik"
Spectral Statistics for 1-D Disordered Systems: A Semiclassical Approach -
Dr. Gerd Fu?mann (10.02.1993) "Experimentalphysik"
Teilchentransport in magnetisch eingeschlossenen Plasmen -
Dr. Peter Jung (17.06.1992) "Theoretische Physik"
Periodically Driven Stochastic Systems