

Research Colloquium ST 2024

Sessions are usually held on Thursdays, 11:45 – 13:15, in room 2108/D (unless otherwise indicated).

There is also the possibility to participate by ZOOM—however, we would encourage the auditory to attend the presentations in person in order to allow for a lively discussion.

Research Colloquium Term Summer 2024

April, 18 2024, Room 1018 /D

School success factors at the end of secondary education: Insights from a large-scale longitudinal project in Austria



Joy Muth & Marko Lüftenegger, Developmental and Educational Psychology of the School Age, University of Vienna

May, 2 2024

Friends or Feedback? – Relations between computer science students’ goals, technology acceptance, use of a peer feedback tool, and performance






ChatGPT to support peer feedback: A study design



Tugce ?zbek1, Martin Daumiller2, Aida Roshany-Tabrizi3, Tobias M?mke3 & Ingo Kollar1?
1Educational Psychology, University of Augsburg
2Psychology, University of Augsburg
3Department of Computer Science, University of Augsburg


Martin Greisel, Julia Hornstein, Tugce ?zbek, & Ingo Kollar

Educational Psychology, University of Augsburg

May, 16 2024

Learning analytics and adaptive learning support in digital learning environments



Elisabeth Bauer
Learning Analytics, University of Augsburg

May, 23 2024

Scaffolding the peer feedback process: A meta-analysis





Gendergerecht oder Gendergaga? Eine Metaanalyse über den Einfluss von geschlechtergerechter Sprache im Vergleich zum generischen Maskulinum auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung von Texten, das objektive Textverst?ndnis und die Lesedauer



Julia Hornstein1, Melanie Keller1, Martin Greisel1, Markus Dresel2, Ingo Kollar1
1Educational Psychology, University of Augsburg
2Psychology, University of Augsburg


Katharina M. Bach1, Veronika Wachholz1, Amadeus Pickal1, Constanze Richters1, Julia Murb?ck1, Laura Brandl1, Matthias Stadler1 & Michael Sailer2
1University of Munich
2University of Augsburg

June, 13 2024

Effekte von Fünf- und Zehn-Euro-Incentives im Vergleich zu keinem Incentive auf die Response-Rate und die Intensit?t der Studienteilnahme in einem Forschungs-Online-Panel



Anja S. G?ritz & Caterina Schug

Behavioral Health Technology, University of Augsburg

June, 20 2024, 17:30 - 19:00, Room 1018/D

Adaptive reactions to errors and their effect on knowledge acquisition in primary school students: Insights gained from a newly developed digital learning environment


Emotions in medical education: A longitudinal study of the reciprocal relations between emotions, appraisals, and achievement


Jana Spear, & Donna BrycePsychology, University of Augsburg


Nadja Karossa1, Thomas Rotthoff2, Ann-Kathrin Schindler2, Sabine Polujanski2, Markus Dresel3, Ingo Kollar4 & Ulrike E. Nett1
1Empirical Educational Research, University of Augsburg
2Medical Didactics and Education Research (DEMEDA), University of Augsburg
3Psychology, University of Augsburg
4Educational Psychology, University of Augsburg

June, 27 2024 - cancelled

About the malleability and context-specificity of teacher self-efficacy: Insights from meta-analytical and multi-level modeling research



Janina T?schner

Professorship of Psychology of Teaching and Learning, Technical University of Munich

July, 04 2024

Evaluating school-based mindfulness trainings in Switzerland: Selected findings and lessons learned



Regula Neuenschwander
Developmental Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland

July, 10 2024, 17:30-19:00, Room 2108 /D

Increasing Research Relevance in?School Mental Health Decision-Making




Nathaniel von der Embse

University of South Florida

July, 11 2024, 17:30 - 19:00, Room 1018/D

Measuring epistemic emotions of elementary school children: Presenting the Ees4kids



Elisabeth Vogl1, Stephanie Lichtenfeld2, Petra Barchfeld1 & Reinhard Pekrun1,3,4

1 Department of Psychology, University of Munich

2 Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg

3 Department of Psychology, University of Essex

4 Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University

July, 18 2024 -cancelled - entf?llt

Gender Dynamics in STEM Education: An Eye-Tracking Study


Abstract pdf

?zün Keskin1, Rebekka Stahnke, Christian Kosel, Sylvia Gabel1, Aldin Alijagic1, & Andreas Gegenfurtner1
1 Methods in Learning Research, University of Augsburg
2 Leibnitz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel
3 Technical University of Munich
