

Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023

Created by Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry



Join us for the second Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) Germany from 18-22 September 2023!

Universities, research institutions, organizations, and networks across Germany celebrate and showcase the significant contributions of postdocs to research, innovation, teaching, and academic life by hosting special events during Postdoc Appreciation Week. The Graduate Centre at the University of Augsburg joins this important initiative to support postdocs, contribute to the visibility of their accomplishments, and strengthen national and international networks.

PAW originates in the United States, where the National Postdoc Association has sponsored National Postdoc Appreciation Week since 2009. In 2022, the Munich Postdoc Network teamed up with the Research and Innovation Services of Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH) to establish Postdoc Appreciation Week in Germany. The inaugural Germany-wide PAW offered about 70 events.

This year, institutions and networks all over Germany offer 126 events! The Graduate Centre at the University of Augsburg participates in PAW 2023 with the webcast Planning and optimizing your academic career by Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt, consultant & lecturer for scientists at schainundkuchenbrandt.

Webcast: Planning and optimizing your academic career

The postdoc phase is crucial for furthering one’s academic career and is split between dependent employment and academic independence. Scientists are confronted with numerous professional challenges: Developing a research profile, publishing independently, developing a teaching portfolio, planning to stay abroad, participating in scientific communication, and building one's own network of colleagues and cooperation partners... When are which tasks particularly important? What has the highest priority? How important is the habilitation? What time frame is appropriate? The webcast (length: 2.5 hours) informs you about all the important requirements (also beyond publications and third-party funding) and milestones for an academic career and gives you concrete tips and advice both on the weighing of these requirements and on strategic considerations during the postdoc phase on the way to a professorship.

You can access the webcast throughout the week of 18-22 September 2023. It is NOT an all-day, all-week event you have to attend. Once you have registered, you will get a password which you can use to watch the video on Vimeo and access the accompanying documents via Dropbox during PAW 2023.

To register for the event, please send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to


Check out the exciting PAW 2023 programme and find out more about the initiative on the official PAW Germany website:



